TM 11-6625-2638-30
1-18. Electronic Assembly BITE Test Functional Description (fig. 1-10)
a. MODE switch S1 provides the pilot test logic and the clock disable command. It also provides the test address
activation to ADDRESS switches S16 and S18.
b. ADDRESS switches A and B select the test address by selecting the appropriate resolver simulator circuits of
the circuit card assembly. The circuit card provides these selected simulted servo outputs to the electronic assem-
c. The FT jack on the test set provides a monitoring point for the FT logic signal.
d. The MLO signal is applied to circuit card assembly and Σ AT switch S11 connects the FO signal to the circuit
card assembly causing the coding and tracking signals to be generated.
e. Σ AT CODING/TRACKING switch S12 selects the coding or tracking signal and applies it to another section of
the circuit card assembly to cause the Σ AT signal to be generated.
f. The LED PRF is applied to the circuit card for proper timing of the Σ AT signal and is also made available for
monitoring at the LED PRF jack (J40).
g. TRACKING FILTER switch S15 selects the azimuth and elevation outputs and directs them to the electronic
assembly as the port, starboard, up, and down signals simulating the receiver servo output tracking patterns.
h. The RESET switch S13 resets and starts circuits that generate the azimuth and elevation outputs as well as the
Σ AT output.